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Make an Appointment

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Have questions? We’re here to help. If your question isn’t addressed below, please feel free to reach out directly. All appointments and services are free and confidential.

Think you might be pregnant? Taking a pregnancy test is the first step to finding out. Whether you’re having symptoms or not, it’s important to wait until the first day of your missed period before testing for accurate results. If you test and receive a negative result but still think you’re pregnant, wait a week and test again.

Did you receive a positive pregnancy test result? Ultrasound is the next step for confirming your pregnancy and making sure it’s viable (which means it has signs of life, like a heartbeat). Ultrasound is a simple scan that will tell you the essential details you need to know to stay safe and consider your options for moving forward. For example, did you know that ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening condition that can mimic the early symptoms of pregnancy? If left untreated, it can cause deadly internal bleeding, but an early ultrasound can help diagnose ectopic pregnancy so you can receive prompt treatment.

If you’re pregnant, your options are parenting, abortion, and adoption. While the decision is ultimately yours alone to make, learning all you can about each option will ensure you make a fully informed decision. And we’re here to help.

Yes! We want you to be as comfortable as possible during your appointment. If that means bringing your partner, friend, or relative along, please feel free to do so.

All of our appointments, services, and resources are offered free of charge, because we believe that you deserve to have access to what you need without a financial barrier.

You have options.